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A member registered Jan 20, 2021

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its beta version bro 

chk chk chk chk chk chk chk chk chk chk chk chk chk here you go 

ye usually its school chromebook users that are using the game on the web version thing thing

There's other posts that say (most of the time its school chromebook users) that say the game just won't load or it will load but it just stops, I think it's just something new school districts are adding to their computers but I dunno its different for everyone in a way.

(1 edit)

So as we know there is an ongoing problem with the loading screen  ( it won't fucking load), but I found a way you can still play friday night funkin': Just play the beta version. Reasons to play the beta  version: the game actually loads, you can still play friday night funkin', and yeah. There is a catch though, you can only play the two dad songs, after you finish those two "levels" it just takes you back to the home screen. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk <3 

Edit: here's the beta version, I forgot to add it because im actually dumb

me too

I've been noticing (I'm sure I'm not the only one) that It's just not working on most if not all the chromebooks. I'm also using my school chromebook and a week before the game started having issues the game worked perfectly fine for me but now its just not working at all

Bro it's taking longer to load than my dad on his way back for milk

I only got to play once and then I entered the death loading screen

The highest that it's gotten for me is 72%